Things and Stuff-Cpt.Quinn

"The thing about stuff is that it is just a collection of things.  If one goes through life constantly turning things into stuff, than their life will be nothing more than things and stuff.  If one chooses to recognize the simple things in life than their things are no longer just things or stuff and their vocabulary becomes open to an entirely new world of emotion."

-Captain Quinn

The Power of Thought-Cpt.Quinn

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

Adventurer Gary Fenwick tosses Gandhi a high five!  This statue was given to the city of San Francisco in 1988 by the Gandhi Memorial International Foundation. The erection of this statue sparked controversy amongst certain people on the grounds that its location was an insult to the memory of Gandhi.  It is located in a parking lot behind a ferry building, perhaps not ideal, but I don't think Gandhi would have cared.

The very famous Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born on October 2, 1869 in Porbander which is presently known as Gujarat, India.  His life's adventures would be dedicated to the wider purpose of discovering the truth, or Satya which he tried to achieve by learning from his own mistakes.

Gandhi would go on to developed Satyagraha- the philosophy and practice of nonviolent resistance, a philosophy that would later influence other historical icons such as Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King, Jr. in their political struggles.

Unfortunately his life would be cut short.  On January 30, 1948 Gandhi was engaged in his nightly public walk in New Delhi and was shot dead by Nathuram Godse, a Hindu nationalist.  Nathuram held Ganhi responsible for weakening India and felt that was enough motive for him to pull the trigger.  He and his accomplice would be tried, convicted and executed on November 15th, 1949.

Although his life was cut short he still managed to live to the ripe old age of 78 years.  During these 78 years he touched society in a way that will be forever remembered.  The information used to articulate the latter was gathered from "The Story of My Experiments with Truth" which is the autobiography of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi.  It was designated as one of the "100 Most Important Spiritual Books of the 20th Century" by HarperCollins publishers, and there is a lot more to it!

Active Thinkers

The Captain and Adventurer Gary Fenwick "kickin it".  I find that if the body is not active than the mind goes stale.  My most pure moments of clarity and my best ideas usually come to me following a long bought of physical exercise.

To enhance this state of mind even further one can place themselves in a setting so beautiful it could only but inspire thoughts to twist through the mind.  Once I enter this state of mind and thoughts start flowing I quickly reach for a pen. Why?

Because all great things that have been, are being and will be achieved must first start with a thought.